Standards Guide

History of this Guidebook

We released Web Standards Guide Ver.3 in korean written by Hyeonseok Shin, Sungno Lee, Jungshik Shin and Seokchan Yun. It freely starts to distribute on web developers guide in Mozilla Korean Community and Open Source Portal in KIPA via PDF format. I let you know its brief history.

Web Standards Guide Ver.1: Cross Browsing Guide(2003)

This guide originated by Seokchan Yun, a leader of Mozilla Korean Project. He felt a trouble to introduce Mozilla 1.6 because of korean non-standard HTML/CSS and DOM scripting. So he maed a cross browsing guide with KIPA that promoted open source softwares. Also he started Web Standards Evangelism in community to let web masters know these problems and help web developers to adopt standards.
Download PDF File (Ver.1)

Web Standards Guide Ver.2: XHTML/CSS Layout (2004)

After release of Firefox 1.0, it helps to subscribe RSS feeds via livebookmark so many korean bloggers became to use Firefox. They felt web standards issues to use Firefox as a necessary consequence. So they were interested in standard based web design. Because some blogging tools supports XHTML/CSS layout, bloggers must know this technique to control their blog. So its version 2 was added a technique XHTML/CSS layout.
Download PDF File (Ver.2)

Web Standards Guide Ver 3: DOM Scripting (2005)

We renewed XHTML/CSS layout part and added DOM scripting, server programming by web standards and the development proccess and role model in standard based project.
Download PDF File (ver.3)

About this blog

The Web Standards Korea is the standard evangelism group for universal access and trust of web in Korea. We engage various evangelism activities including community, education, documentation, lecture and governmental relationship for standard issues.

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