
Our community focus on the initial activities to adopt web standards into Korea. So we gave a speech as a invited speaker about CSS layout and W3C standards based DOM Script.

Seminars in early stage

  • 2004.11.25 Web Accessibility Presentation, “Information Accessibility and Open Source Forum” (Human Rights Committee of National Assembly)
  • 2004.12.1 Korean Web Standard Issue, “Web Accessiblity Strategy Workshop” (KADO)
  • 2005.04.22 Korean Web Standard Issue, “4th SW Insights Conference” (KIPA)
  • 2005.05.12 Korean Web Standard Issue, “2005 SI Workshop”, (Korea SI Society)
  • 2005.06.3 Standard-based web development, “Web Planning Conference 2005″, (
  • 2005.06.14 W3C and Korean Issues, “W3C Korea Workshop”, (ETRI, W3C Korea)
  • 2005.07.20 Standard-based web development, “CSS Design Seminar”, (
  • 2005.12.5 Web Standard Issue on Linux, “5th SW Insights Conference” (KIPA)
  • 2005.12.13 Korean Web Standard Issue, “Web Standard and School Information System” (Ministry of Education)
  • 2006.04.19 Standard-based web development, “Web Planning Conference 2006″, (
  • 2006.06.29 Standard-based web development, “Web Accessibility Workshop” (KADO)
  • 2006.08.10 CSS techniques, “Advanced CSS Workshop” (

International Releationship

Conferences and Events

Publishing of Guides

Community Activites

Governmental Relationship

  • Technical Support for “Guidelines for Development of Public Web Sites”, Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs from 2005
  • Technical Support for “Korean Web Contents Accessibility Guideline Ver. 1.0″, Korea Agency for Digital Opportunity & Promotion from 2004
  • Technical Support for “Internet Banking on Linux”, Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency in 2006
  • Technical Support for “Korean Web Standard Guidelines”, Telecommunication and Technology Association in 2006
  • Technical support for lawsuite of “Open Web” in 2006

About this blog

The Web Standards Korea is the standard evangelism group for universal access and trust of web in Korea. We engage various evangelism activities including community, education, documentation, lecture and governmental relationship for standard issues.

Our Communites


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